
What’s New With UWG Sports!

Since the start of the school year, NCAA commissions board’s have been back and forth on what they want to do about our athletes and this year’s season. They left it up to the different divisions to decide on what they wanted to do once the green light was given. D-1 schools of course had an early jump start to their decision as most regions under D-1 level started back practicing late July early August. But what about the D-2 level?

Here in the GSC, all of our fall sports first started off with being delayed until late fall. Within a few weeks into August, our fall sports were canceled for the fall semester and was told that there season will be a shorter version in the spring. By the time September came, the UWG football team decided to not have a season at all for this year. For other UWG sports, their season was under its way. September 19th, UWG’s cross country team had their first meet of the season. They had a total of four meets this year including the GSC conference meet in Huntsville, Alabama on October 31st. UWG’s women’s golf team started their season on October 5th followed shortly behind with our men’s team starting theirs on October 19th. Both their seasons end November 1st at the Full Moon Invitational in CALERA, Alabama. Even though UWG football did not have a season this year, they still held a homecoming game on October 27th. This homecoming game was a scrimmage between each other. Also, the UWG baseball team had a Fall World Series on October 26th between each other. UWG sports managed to find a way to fill our void with no season during these trying times in the United States.

All of our other fall sports, such as volleyball and soccer, have been postponed until the spring. With that being said, here are a few updates you may not know that are happening. UWG’s women’s volleyball is having a season this year. It will only be a few games and no championships and this will take place in the spring semester. UWG’s men’s and women’s basketball team will have a season as well this year. They are looking to start their season in early December followed by their full season in the spring. UWG’s women’s softball will have their season in the spring as well as men’s baseball. The other spring sport teams at UWG have not yet announced their plan for the spring but I wouldn’t count them out of a season just yet. At any moment, this update can change as COVID-19 is still a risk here in the United States. Until we hear about a change, get ready for a full schedule in the spring here at UWG!

Photo Creeds: Scolin’s Sports Venues Visited 
Kayla Williams is the Sports Content Director at The WOLF Sports. Kayla is a senior Sport Management major, at the University of Wrest Georgia.