Coffee in a mug
Blog,  Food

Starbucks Is My Weakness

Starbucks is my weakness whenever I’m on campus or craving it off-campus. I really like the taste of the drinks that I like to enjoy. Some of my favorites are refreshers, frappes, and hot chocolate. There is just something special about the drinks.

I feel connected and motivated while drinking Starbucks, and I really think that when I sit down with my friend Anna and drink a pink drink, I feel like I have it all together. Which, I do most days, but I do think that I can conquer the world a little bit better.

There is also something about the experience that makes it special too. When the barista knows how to spell my name,.my heart is always happy. They truly know that I enjoy coming back for more, so most of the time I’m either getting food/water (hydration is key y’all) or I sometimes will get a cake pop if I’m craving one. 

I also like to have it because I get rewards from the Starbucks app, and then I also have this app called Drop where I get my points from to turn into a gift card. I do what I can to save while I’m spending so it does not feel like a waste. Overall, I just like to be a savvy college spender that likes her Starbucks.

Photo Credits: @Unsplash

Maggie is the Social Media Director for The WOLF Sports. Follow her and all things sports online @thewolfsports.